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Food for thoughtPersonal Growth

I’m Not Good At Lazy

By June 3, 2022No Comments

Last year my daughter and her husband got me something called “Storyworth.”  For an entire year I was given writing prompts to create a book about my life in my words.  Now, who would want to read that? I don’t know, but the exercise was fascinating (at least for me) and I sent copies to all the kids. They could finally have in written form all the stories I’ve told them a thousand times.

The questions ranged from historical to philosophical, and were fun to answer.  One question made me think more than it probably intended.  The question? “How Would You Like to Spend a Lazy Day.”

Friends, I’m not good at lazy.

The words we associate with ‘lazy’ are words like bored, idle, or unwilling to work.  As the proverb says; ‘Idle hands are the devil’s playground.’

Look at the other word in the question; spend.  I much prefer to invest time rather than spend it.  Investment has a return.

But what kind of return do I mean?  I mean that our time, even in rest, is meant to be fruitful.  Here is the fruit I hope my restful time yields.

The fruit of ‘lazy’ days

Experience – Just going for a drive with my wife to explore places I’ve never been, even if it’s a handful of winding country roads.

Knowledge – Reading a book or listening to a podcast or audio book expands my mind and makes me a lifelong learner.

Wisdom – The older I get more I realize how much there is to learn.  That is wisdom… I think. 🙂 But I will often take time to reflect on my collected knowledge and experience.

Creativity – Twenty minutes with my guitar, a piano, or an empty notebook page encourages my creativity.

Activity – Golf and pickleball are two of my favorite ways to stay active and keep moving.

Joy – There are too many things to list.  Listening to the ocean’s crashing waves, or a mountain’s babbling brooks, or the laughter of my grandchildren.  There are so many places where joy hides in plain sight.

Connection – My wife and I play Bridge (for all the kids out there, it’s an old person card game) with my siblings who live across the country.  I also grab lunch with friends, or call my adult kids just to see what’s up.

Self Worth – One way I show myself worth is by cleaning my office.  I believe my time and my work is worth a tidy work space. (it also helps me organize the 10,000 ideas I have all at once!)

Inspiration – Social media can seem like a sink hole sometimes, but YouTube is full of inspirational people and ideas that fill my soul.

Gratitude – I try to be grateful for the things I’ve done, and the dreams I have for the future.  A great exercise I do every year on my birthday is to write a note to people I love and care about and thank them for their part in my life.


So did I think too hard about this question? Yep.  BUT! I would highly encourage you to become aware of how you spend your lazy time… or how you invest your restful time.


What are some of your favorite lazy day activities?